Believers all over the world have different stories of how they were led back to the Catholic Church, but in my case it was because I discovered the miracles of the Eucharist starting with the one in Lanciano, Italy.
It’s a well documented miracle that proves that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Host. If you haven’t heard of it, I suggest you research it.
Moreover, Jesus led me to Himself when I asked him if the Catholic Church was his true church, as I was writing to Him.
I remember I was writing with a pen, asking him that question…and then the pen flew across the room!!
Until this day, I have not had a pen fly across the room!
Sceptics can call this a coincidence, but in my life these events have a deep meaning.
I have only had the chance to receive Communion in the last year.
I studied tradition and discovered that the first Christians, for the first 1500 years would partake in Communion and would understand it as the literal body & blood of Christ. It was the food that He left for them. It was the manna from heaven.
Having understood that, I would only partake in Communion in the most reverent way possible, on the tongue, on my knees. Sometimes with a veil, and then felt called to be in a veil and a skirt/dress!
Therefore to see now that Communion is only being offered on the hand breaks my heart…I rather not have Jesus on the hand, than offend Him.
The times we are about to enter are hard, but Jesus is with us always.
Message of Jesus and Our Lady to Edson Glauber on June 14, 2020: I AM is here with you all!I do marvels and wonders [in return] for a drop of love from your hearts. My love is great. My love is eternal. Will you deny Me a drop of your love?Many will deny Me and will tell you that I am no longer important to anyone. They will say that I am an invention of the Catholic Church and will prevent many of you from receiving Me in the Eucharist. They will exchange Me for a cheap imitation, but I tell you: My Body is real food and My Blood is real drink.* Whoever does not eat of My Body and drink of My Blood will not live eternally and will have no part with Me in the glory of My Kingdom.I call you to be souls of Eucharistic reparation. I will be united with everyone in your homes, as it will be in your homes that many of you will find Me and truly worship Me in times of difficulty and persecutions, because in many Churches many will not be worshiping Me, the True God.
The Blessed Mother told us: My Son Jesus is making His cry of warning to the world: wake up, my children, before the agents of Satan take the great Eucharistic treasure from your midst. Do not allow it. Fight with all your strength against all evil!Many priests, prepared by my Son and Me, will be united with you so that you will not be left without the true Eucharistic food. You will help them on the material level and they will help you on the spiritual.Take care of and welcome these priests as a great gift from My Son granted to each one of you.We bless you!
Meet the author
Johanna – Hebrew for “God is Gracious”

I’m a former New Ager, Yogi & spiritual nomad turned Christian after a moment of illumination in 2017. I created this website to help you differentiate between light & darkness and to answer questions about spiritual topics from a Catholic Christian worldview. ->Find me on IG @myjourneytojesus