As a former Protestant, we were not aloud to “pray” to the Saints. This logic was explained by the first commandment of the Law of Moses in Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6 “You shall have no other Gods before me”. As a Catholic convert, I would like to explain that we do not “pray” to…
All posts tagged catholic church
Greogorian chants always moved the Holy Spirit in me which I am very sensitive to. I can walk into a church, be near a priest and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit strongly. I also feel a difference when I pray the rosary in Latin as opposed to English which intrigued me to study…

With the spread of the New-Age in the world, many are buying incense at their local shops or yoga studios to relax to. Others are thinking that it is the same kind of incense that is spoken of in the Bible and thus see no harm in using it. In this article I hope to…
THEOLOGY OF COMMUNION. Is John 6:55-56 figurative or is it literal?
John 6:55-56 ”For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him. ” Speaking from personal experience, I didn’t understand just how much importance this passage would have on my faith life when it was first presented to me by a Greek Orthodox friend. It goes without saying that all Christian churches do not…